Technology and service
you can trust.
With today's rising costs of incarceration coupled with increasing budgetary shortfalls, many governmental agencies and municipalities are being faced with the challenge of finding more creative and cost effective means of dealing with their increasing inmate populations. In addition to being faced with budgetary limitations, these agencies are also faced with the dilemma of having the responsibility of protecting the public's safety while at the same time being fiscally responsible.
By utilizing an ordinary telephone connection, ankle bracelet transmitter, and cutting edge computer technology, at risk individuals may be allowed to remain in the community to work and be productive citizens. At the same time, monitoring agents are able to maintain a watchful eye over these individuals and under certain situations may even track the offender's movements. Based on the information that is received, the decision can then be made, by the ordering authorities, as to whether to allow these individuals to remain in the community or to return them for possible re-incarceration.
In today's complex society with its vast spectrum of laws, ordinances and regulations, individuals who violate these laws may find themselves before either a municipal, county or circuit court judge facing a myriad of possible sentences and punishments. In most instances within the judicial system, every attempt ismade to fashion a sentence that provides for a level of punishment that is equal to the crime committed. At EagleEye Monitoring we recognize that not everyone poses the same level of risk to society, and as such, some individuals require more stringent supervision guidelines than others. In keeping with this philosophy, EagleEye Monitoring offers three distinct monitoring levels, each aimed at providing increasing levels of supervision for distinct risk groups. In addition to providing several different monitoring options, EagleEye Monitoring also the ability to provide comprehensive offender management programs to aid agencies in performing duties such as drug testing, counseling and offender case management. EagleEye Monitoring recognizes the many aspects of offender management that exist and strives to offer customers a variety of options to allow them to meet all expectations.
In addition, by using this sanction as an alternative sentencing option, agencies are able to reduce inmate populations while at the same time, the costs of incarceration are passed from the agency to the offenders themselves. In doing so, the individual is able to satisfy their debt to society, save valuable taxpayer dollars and at the same time a means is provided for protecting the public's safety.
While electronic monitoring may not be appropriate for all offenders, the majority of those incarcerated could benefit from its use and as such make it a viable, cost effective and appealing option for the judicial system.