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Approved Absences


SECTION 24-13-1540. Promulgation of regulations;  approved absences from home. 


If a department desires to implement a home detention program it must promulgate regulations that prescribe reasonable guidelines under which a home detention program may operate.  These regulations must require that the participant remain within the interior premises or within the property boundaries of his residence at all times during the hours designated by the department.  Approved absences from the home for a participant may include:


(1) hours in employment approved by the department or traveling to or from approved employment;


(2) time seeking employment approved for the participant by the department;


(3) medical, psychiatric, mental health treatment, counseling, or other treatment programs approved for the participant by the department;


(4) attendance at an educational institution or a program approved for the participant by the department;


(5) attendance at a regularly scheduled religious service at a place of worship;  or


(6) participation in a community work release or community service program approved by the department.


(7) meeting with your attorney, attendance at all scheduled court appearances

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